Selected Publications / Presentations
Betsy Sneller and Adam Barnhardt. (2023). Sociolinguistic prompts in the 21st century: Uniting past approaches and current directions. Language and Linguistics Compass, e12484.
Yongqing Ye and Adam Barnhardt. (Submitted). Authenticity, trustworthiness, and longevity: Centering research participants’ voices in MI Diaries. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences: Illinois Working Papers.
Conference Presentations
Adam Barnhardt. (2023). Not all sound changes in progress are used in early-adolescent stancetaking. Paper presented at NWAV 51. NYC, NY. Click here for slides.
Adam Barnhardt. (2022). The early-adolescent indexical system amid rapid sound change: How are Northern Cities Shift and Low-Back-Merger Shift vowel realizations employed in acts of stance-taking? Paper presented at NWAV 50 in Project Launch category. San Jose, CA.
Yongqing Ye and Adam Barnhardt. (2022). Tracking Language Change During a Pandemic: Continuous Remote Data Collection in the MI Diaries Project. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Language and Linguistics Society. Online.
Adam Barnhardt. (2021). “I didn’t go to college with anyone that country”: Age-stratified indexicality of Southern-shifted vowels. Poster presented at NWAV 49. Online. Click here for poster.